Your events and
communication agency




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Sustainable Events Agency

We organize your sustainable and carbon neutral event, by calculating emissions and reducing environmental impact to enable sustainable development for your business.









Social media marketing agency

We specialise in using social media channels to increase your company's visibility. Contact us to improve conversions through our social media strategy.





Phygital and Virtual Events

Explore our digital, virtual and hybrid event solutions. Work with Smart Eventi, the n° 1 event agency in Milan, and get ready to reshape your corporate communication and increase brand awareness with cutting-edge technological solutions.



我们注重将精致的细节融入独特的体验中,选择Smart Eventi作为合作伙伴在米兰策划活动将给您一次无与伦比的体验。当然,我们首先可以帮助您找到理想的场地来满足您的需求:我们拥有广泛的本地和分布在整个国家的人脉关系网络,可以帮助您访问意大利一些最令人惊叹的场地和设施。查看我们的产品组合,您会发现我们为客户选择的一些令人惊叹空间(包括Italiana Assicurazioni ,迪士尼和雪铁龙等品牌)。在不超出预算的前提下,我们能够为您的活动找到理想的场地时,丰富的本地知识和本地联系 是我们的秘密武器。我们专注于寻找各种理想的场所来满足您的不同需求包括:新闻发布会,产品发布会,公司活动和会议,盛大晚宴,团队建设活动和奖励旅行。


任何活动筹办者都会告诉您,找到理想的场地只是第一步。我们会为您提供全面的服务。 Smart Eventi将为您的活动设计定制的创意解决方案,创建典雅的布置,定制装饰,雇用称职的员工(包括会说多种语言的礼仪,会议和会议的翻译以及市场上最好的技术人员),并选择为您的客人提供完美的餐饮服务,我们会在米兰最佳的餐饮服务商中进行选择,以期物有所值。这就是您如何将公司活动变成独特而难忘的体验。





什么时候需要选择Smart Eventi

如果您需要米兰的活动代理机构,需要十数年的经验和使命,能够为每个客户提供市场上最优质的服务,请选择Smart Eventi。我们曾经为Mediaste,Expedia和Unicredit等国际公司 计划和组织了活动,我们期待着为您策划您的活动,使其完全按照您的预想进行。我们将确保您的梦想成真!


Michael Downey

Roberto Riccardi

亲爱的Rossenigo先生, 我想让您知道我们对Smart Eventi服务的满意度,在晚宴期间,我们必须定义这次活动为完美无缺。 地点寻找,最佳餐饮社会的研究 - 我们希望将高质量的食物和个人服务融入其中 - 与对活动设计中的细节和工作人员的持续协助保持一致 ,使晚餐成为未来类似商业活动的重要参考点。 我借此机会感谢你并热情地问候。

Cristina Mastella

我个人感谢Stefania及其同事们在米兰设计周之前和期间获得的宝贵支持。 Stefania一直非常谨慎地完成工作,使我们很容易地进行相关合同程序。 再次感谢,并在下一次机会见到你!

Bruno Vavalà
-前端制造和技术研发集团副总裁 - 财务控制总监

嗨 Alessandro, 我想再次感谢你在这三天的会议中给予我们的专业,认真和喜爱。 我没错,我做了一个很好的选择,我希望将来可以再次合作。 无论如何,我会与可能感兴趣的朋友分享您的联系方式。 再次感谢你,祝你有个美好的一天


The collaboration with Smart Eventi has certainly been positive cause we have found a 360-degree service of an excellent level, and consequently we will certainly rely on Smart Eventi again thanks. Alviero Martini

HR Generalist GHR-IT (GHR-IT)

Bike Building: is an excellent metaphor to entertain and make think teams that collaborate automatically everyday. A simple but at the same time challenging activity, which gave to the many participants the opportunity to get involved in an unusual teamwork compared to the regular work routine.

Viktoria Weger
Teamlead Retail Marketing of Sportler AG

Our experience with Guru Marketing in organizing this promotional campaign was extraordinary. We appreciated not only your professionalism and creativity, but also your ability to push us beyond traditional marketing boundaries. Guru Marketing guided us in activating new and innovative channels, including the inclusion of micro influencers who participated in the private opening, helping to create an authentic and resonant engagement with our target audience. Their strategic planning and precise execution led to tangible results and extremely positive feedback from our clients and community. We are grateful for the partnership with Guru Marketing and look forward to collaborating again in the future to continue promoting our brand and mission with creativity and impact.

Sales Assistant

With the help of Smart Eventi, we organized the first face-to-face event after two years of the pandemic. The location was the perfect setting for our event in Milan which was attended by 80 people from the center to the north, appreciating the structure and the suggestions transmitted by the place. An oasis of peace in the center of Milanese traffic. Our contact person Federica Ferron did her best to meet all our requests. All defined and studied in detail, from the staff to the truly excellent catering chosen by Smart Eventi. The service staff was equally helpful and professional. Federica followed us step by step in the choice and organization of the event. She stayed with us and supervised the post-installation to make sure everything was perfect until dismantling at the end of the event. Thanks for the professionalism and availability shown.

Marketing e Communication


Alessandra Businaro


Marketing & public relations


Riccardo Orsi
iad Italy marketing and communication manager


A heartfelt thanks to the whole organization. It was a great party. In addition to having received so many compliments, the guests and the birthday girl were super happy with the result! 

Thank you, you were great. You exceeded our expectations. We will work together again soon!

Thank you for your availability and patience. The end result is definitely positive, and we are also receiving confirmation of this these days from our colleagues and managers. The venue had a huge impact on all attendees, and the catering was greatly appreciated. Congratulations!

HR | People & Culture

We had a great time and the party was a success. Kudos to the catering service, which was very much appreciated. We would love to organise another party in the summer!

A phenomenal event, in a spectacular venue!

Thank you for your active and indispensable cooperation for the success of the evening.



responsabile marketing

Fiorenza Marangolo


Managing Partner


Marketing & Communication Director

Marketing Specialist

"Yet another positive experience with the Smart Eventi team. The cocktail challenge, the team building activity that we selected for our Group's new employees, turned out to be very enjoyable and well organised. Your team showed outstanding expertise. Moreover, you were able to customise each activity to our particular needs, resulting in a perfect summer poolside event!"

Junior Marketing & Social Media Manager


Beatrice Vesponi
Web APSP Specialist Sesto Autoveicoli S.p.a.


Elena Milan
Account Manager - Europe Jellycat Ltd


Claudio Pustorino
Agile Coach


Project Manager


Emanuela Di Lavanzo
Marketing Manager - Italy, Greece, Cyprus & Israel Liferay


Swag Team


Michela Sgambelluri
Global Sales Support Assistant

Thank you for a great evening, it was a real success! Our colleagues greatly praised the presenter's skill and the overall engaging experience.

HR Generalist GHR-IT (GHR-IT)


We found the plasticine experience really unique. It was particularly creative and elaborate work that allowed everyone to actively participate and listen to each other. We loved the work we did, it was colourful, lively and clever, all under the guidance of experienced staff who were able to make it a fun experience, making sure that everyone took part, that everyone had the materials they needed (lots of them!) and that the timetable was strictly adhered to so that everything ran smoothly. The moment of voting and choosing the winner was great fun. Outstanding activity, thank you all!

Maria Fabbri
Marketing and Communication Dept.


Fabio Fabiano
Group Organization & Workforce Planning – Head of Group HR Digital Processes

"Like every year, we asked Smart Eventi to support us in planning our team workshop, to celebrate the year's achievements and prepare for the strategic priorities that await us in the new year. Eugenia understood our expectations perfectly and designed a 2-day event with a perfect mix of business and leisure/team building moments. The overall atmosphere was warm and welcoming at all times. We will definitely be in touch soon for our next team event!"

Ylenia Caccese
Project & Marketing Manager

This was more than just an event, it was a real shared experience, which helped us build wonderful memories together, strengthening our team spirit and made us feel more united and motivated than ever. We experienced moments of great engagement and fun that allowed us to get to know each other better and create even stronger bonds. The positive energy and enthusiasm that you were able to transmit made this experience truly memorable.

Fabrizio Bellantone

Eleonora Di Benedetto
HR Specialist

We would like to thank Eugenia and all of the team at Smart Eventi for their support in organising this team building event. Everything was perfect, from the venue to the detailed planning of the activity. Our employees were delighted and they greatly appreciated this opportunity for collaboration and teamwork!

Our partnership with Smart Eventi and Federica is now well established. Every year Federica manages to surprise us with fantastic ideas that delight our clients. This year we moved from a historical residence to a super technological venue. Federica's professionalism, care and passion have not changed and have even improved over the years. We cannot recommend Smart Eventi and Federica enough!

Marco Conforti
Pharmacy director

Our feedback is completely positive, congratulations on the impeccable organisation and perfect timing, we were absolutely delighted.

Sales Assistant at C Consulting S.p.A.

Talent Manager Atomical

HR Manager

The party went perfectly, everyone was very happy with the organisation, the venue and the

Office Manager


Sales Account Manager.

Stefania Bellini
Sales Manager

Selexi considers the Christmas event  noteworthy as it closes the work experience of the year, requiring a suitable location both for a professional meeting and a celebration at the end. The location met both needs, and for the third time, Smart Eventi met the expectations of management and collaborators. Clara and Eugenia were very helpful and welcoming

Assistant Director and Internal Communication



We spent two wonderful days together. The contribution of Smart Events has been invaluable in every step of the event creation, from planning to implementation, both remotely and directly in location. Thank you for your professionalism, company and support, without which it would not have been possible to achieve this goal with confidence.

Sara Siragusa
Marketing Advisor

Board Executive Assistant

It was a fantastic experience that we will remember for a long time!

Brand & Marketing Activation Manager presso GROHE


Business Unit Manager Beauty & Personal Care, Home Care and I&I


Partner at BIP

This was a wonderful experience! We were all satisfied with the organisation, the content and the result!

Finance & Operations Director

I would like to thank the Smart Event team for a pleasant and successful paint-focused team building, and confirm that the people who took part in the event were all delighted and satisfied. We enjoyed the beautiful storytelling around ancient alchemy and its evolution into the present day by the very talented Nicoletta, as well as the venue scouting, event and lunch planning, and the willingness to work on intersectionality within individual groups. I saw our team members tune into the perfect team spirit without losing sight of the big picture and each contributing with their creative effort to the final result. You passed with flying colours!

iOS Consultant

Executive Assistant to Modern Workplace Director and MTC&EBC Director

"你好,Eugenia女士, 非常感谢您对本次活动的全程支持以及您为我们拍摄的照片。”  

Sara Poggiani
Project Manager


Federazione Italiana Vela

I can only confirm what has been expressed verbally i.e. full appreciation in all respects for what concerns you/them the things that can be improved do NOT depend on you or even less on you, Gloria. Excellent ability to translate our needs with a proposal that suits us, excellent support both before and during the event, thank you for all that. What I mean by improvable, to be "ultra nitpicky," concerns our organization i.e., the fact that we were not able to have time to rehearse beforehand. Thank you again, and, I confirm that the moment I need to find a facility that suits our needs, I will contact you again; we know each other by now, and this is an advantage for both of us. So I take my leave with a 'see you next time

Executive Assistant


HR Manager

Human Resources


Responsabile commerciale Selexi


Head of Media

The event went smoothly, with excellent organization, location, and food. We received positive compliments from all the participants, and I wanted to thank you for meeting our needs. See you soon, at the next event.

Elodie Plan
Principal Consultant & Business Development Team Leader


Marketing & Exhibitions


Annalisa Adamo

你好 Alessandro,

Cinzia Chiesa


Giampaolo Prada
渠道销售经理 - 数字工厂部门

“一切都很棒,位置和餐饮非常赞赏。 与您的优秀合作,您总是给我很好的建议,你是精确和准时的。“

Anna Beduschi

与Smart Eventi合作是在米兰举办活动的最佳解决方案。由于我们是一家海外公司,因此我们必须从合作伙伴那里获得持续有效的支持。 由于Sara的位置建议了解我们的需求,她设法为我们提供了一个完全符合我们期望和我们品牌形象的位置。这种关系不仅在规划阶段而且在执行期间非常有效,甚至可以满足最后几分钟的请求。


“卢卡您好,非常感谢您为此次活动所做的一切! 那真的是一个美丽的夜晚,每个人都度过了愉快的时光。安吉非常棒,使我们的夜晚更加美好“

Deborah Zagari

它取得了成功,每个人都非常高兴! 非常感谢您的支持,我们很高兴能够一起工作。 当然,您将成为我们下一次团队建设活动的第一个供应商!  

Valentina Malonni
Back Office

Dominique Morrissey
PA /办公室经理

“只是想让您知道我们在米兰度过了最美好的时光,而前往圣洁的教堂无疑是最重要的时刻!! 每个喜欢去年去巴塞罗那旅行并喜欢那里的人都说这个场地非常好,并且超出了所有人的期望,所以非常感谢您能直觉到这样一个场地是我们一直在寻找的,因为您真的不知道我们–--就在现场! 非常感谢您成为米兰的“代理机构”,我需要了解一下---您是明星!因此非常非常有帮助。”

Jennifer Gartz
Marketing Manager

Smart Eventi非常乐于助人。 我们希望我们可以在其他合作,甚至在其他国家的合作能够复制这种经验,我们希望始终关注这种质量的服务。

活动经理 & 执行助理 – LS销售与营销

嗨 尤金尼亚, 再次感谢你们一起为活动提供的所有帮助,每个人都有一个非常美好的时光,如果可以的话,我希望能够再次在下一次活动中与另一个团队一起合作。 很高兴与您合作,特别是最后能够亲自见到您。 亲切的问候, 朱莉娅

Katrin Herden


Ulrich Rüter

亲爱的巴萨尼小姐, 我们对媒体代表的巨大回答以及与会者的积极反馈非常满意。 您为此次活动做出了重要贡献。没有你的积极支持,晚上不会取得如此巨大的成功。与您合作非常愉快,因为您始终可以并且愿意在每个请求中帮助我们。 餐饮服务也令人满意:服务员总是很友善。 总而言之,我可以说,当我们计划未来的项目时,我们肯定会考虑您。

Julie Pichon
顾问 - Chargée de Projet

很高兴与您合作在意大利为Céline品牌举办的两次活动。我们真的很感谢您对这个项目的热情和参与。在过去的四个星期中,您为我们提供了巨大的支持。 我们的客户不仅满意而且满意。两项活动均取得巨大成功! 您的工作真的很出色,我们会就我们可以在意大利举办的未来活动再次与您联系! 希望很快与您合作, 朱莉

Claudia Cirillo

位置非常好,场地的工作人员和Stefania的工作人员非常好,非常乐于助人。 我们希望我们可以通过其他活动或会议再一次合作。 完美的位置!

Viviana Vaccaro
-Engel & Völkers 意大利公关经理

嗨 Alessandro, 这是一次真正的成功的年会,客人说这是有史以来最好的公司活动之一,注重细节和管理精度。 Viviana Vaccaro

Cynthia Cantu
贸易营销经理牙科医生 - 南方集群部

“早上好Eugenia和亚历山德罗, 我想再次感谢您的出色合作和出色的工作。 我希望将来有机会与你合作!“

Martina Casonato

“我正式致信您是为了感谢您所做的所有工作。很高兴与您合作。每一个人都非常友善,我对此非常感激,我们的首席执行官也给予了非常积极的评价。 我们也非常感谢Angy,作为主持人,她很棒。”  

Andrea Santangelo

谢谢,我们一直很好地与您相处,我们非常感谢您在各种时刻的不断表现,这一直是您的非常出色的优点之一。 谢谢


亲爱的尤金妮娅和亚历山德罗, 代表所有Empire Communication员工发出最真挚的感谢,感谢你们在大会活动的早期阶段为大会所做的出色工作以及支持我们的专业性,可用性,耐心和同情:所有参与者的出色反馈 ,完美的地点选择,团队建设活动和娱乐活动只是您服务质量的另一个确认。 与您合作既有趣又愉快:团队比以往任何时候都更加紧张和团结,期待未来合作的其他机会

Simone Migliorini

我想要感谢全体员工和各个参与节日的组织们,从独立的赞助人,到赞助商以及艺术家们,我们还要感谢整个Smart Eventi和Guru Marketing Agency的惊喜。我在Volterra等待与您开始下一阶段的合作工作,并让您看到您所做的一切!

Ludovica Cambi

亲爱的尤金妮亚, 再一次感谢所有阿特斯太阳能有限公司的专业,关注以及您组织和实现活动的最重要的善意。 与您合作总是很愉快,我们确信会有其他机会。

Michael Downey

Roberto Riccardi

亲爱的Rossenigo先生, 我想让您知道我们对Smart Eventi服务的满意度,在晚宴期间,我们必须定义这次活动为完美无缺。 地点寻找,最佳餐饮社会的研究 - 我们希望将高质量的食物和个人服务融入其中 - 与对活动设计中的细节和工作人员的持续协助保持一致 ,使晚餐成为未来类似商业活动的重要参考点。 我借此机会感谢你并热情地问候。

Cristina Mastella

我个人感谢Stefania及其同事们在米兰设计周之前和期间获得的宝贵支持。 Stefania一直非常谨慎地完成工作,使我们很容易地进行相关合同程序。 再次感谢,并在下一次机会见到你!

Bruno Vavalà
-前端制造和技术研发集团副总裁 - 财务控制总监

嗨 Alessandro, 我想再次感谢你在这三天的会议中给予我们的专业,认真和喜爱。 我没错,我做了一个很好的选择,我希望将来可以再次合作。 无论如何,我会与可能感兴趣的朋友分享您的联系方式。 再次感谢你,祝你有个美好的一天


The collaboration with Smart Eventi has certainly been positive cause we have found a 360-degree service of an excellent level, and consequently we will certainly rely on Smart Eventi again thanks. Alviero Martini

HR Generalist GHR-IT (GHR-IT)

Bike Building: is an excellent metaphor to entertain and make think teams that collaborate automatically everyday. A simple but at the same time challenging activity, which gave to the many participants the opportunity to get involved in an unusual teamwork compared to the regular work routine.

Viktoria Weger
Teamlead Retail Marketing of Sportler AG

Our experience with Guru Marketing in organizing this promotional campaign was extraordinary. We appreciated not only your professionalism and creativity, but also your ability to push us beyond traditional marketing boundaries. Guru Marketing guided us in activating new and innovative channels, including the inclusion of micro influencers who participated in the private opening, helping to create an authentic and resonant engagement with our target audience. Their strategic planning and precise execution led to tangible results and extremely positive feedback from our clients and community. We are grateful for the partnership with Guru Marketing and look forward to collaborating again in the future to continue promoting our brand and mission with creativity and impact.


来自 Smart Eventi 博客的关于活动策划、场地考察、营销活动、团队建设和奖励旅游的最新消息

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